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Cover for "Foxfire 3: Animal Care, Banjos and Dulimers, Hide Tanning, Summer and Fall Wild Plant Foods, Butter Churns, Ginseng"

Foxfire 3: Animal Care, Banjos and Dulimers,...

(Book #3 in the The Foxfire Series Series)

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List Price: $22.00

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Book Overview

First published in 1972, The Foxfire Book was a surprise bestseller that brought Appalachia's philosophy of simple living to hundreds of thousands of readers. Whether you wanted to hunt game, bake the old-fashioned way, or learn the art of successful moonshining, The Foxfire Museum and Heritage Center had a contact who could teach you how with clear, step-by-step instructions. Volume three of this series covers animal care, banjos and dulcimers, wild...

Customer Reviews

4 ratings

Foxfire books

Foxfire books make you see how easy life is in the 21st century and how tough it was in days gone by. Foxfire books are a great read.

Foxfire series - both a how-to and a piece of history

My husband got me started and we own the whole series. In fact we are now replacing some of the original copies due to wear and tear. They are more entertaining than a how to - but, I have many times consulted them when I need help with old fashioned situations. I also view them as an important segment of our history- and find that as with the rest of the world we are discovering that the old timers were more right in their thinking than some of the " newfangled" ideas". If you always wished you'd have asked your grandparents or great grandparents how they did somehting - these books might give you an idea!

love'd 'em 30 years ago & still do

I loved these books as a kid and now my kids are learning from them


I own, read and use almost all of the Foxfire books. Actually, we owe both the Foxfire people and we certainly owe the characters of a gone generation. This work, Volume III, is like the others. A wonderful history of how it was. In this day and age of having most needs meet and something for everyone on the Wal-mart shelf, we tend to forget just what it was like in our not too distant past. These books, the Foxfire books, brings to light skills, attitudes and a way of life that is all but forgotten. Do be warned though, as one reviewer has pointed out, these are not step by step "how to do it" books. But This is sort a good thing as the how to books out there are sort of a dime a dozen any more. When a people lose their history, they lose part of their soul. As the title of this work states, this addresses many of the old forgotten skills and there is so much more. The editors have done a wonderful job. They have made a very honest effort to replicate the dialect of those places and times and I feel that this is a big part of the charm of these books. I am old enough to have known many of the kinds of folks featured in these books, being only one generation past them, and have a great appreciation for what and how they did all the little things we take so for granted now. I might also suggest that you actually try some of the things mentioned in these volumes. It will give you even more of an appreciation for what they did, and hey, who knows, the skill you develope just might come in handy one of these days! Recommend this and the other Foxfire books highly.